Sunday, 3 June 2012

Serenading the sitter

 35th birthday it read on the card, I quickly messaged the sitter are you free, are you free?   A glass of wine, some lippy and heels on my feet?  Please be free, oh be free, oh wonderful one,  I've people to meet and glances to steal,  faces to see that I've not seen for years.
 It's an old school friends birthday, we've laughing to do and stories to hear, Oh please say you'll do it my babysitting dear. Waiting and waiting for the sitters reply, who to ask next if the answer is "nigh"?
Oh what shall I wear? Should I drink or drive?  And who will be there?  If I know no-one I'll die.
Then I think to myself if it's no I won't mind, I've so much to do and so little time. It will be freezing out there and there's grey in my hair.  I can just stay at home, yeah I don't mind a no.  At home there's a fire and children to cuddle and wine in the cupboard if the days full of trouble.  I'll get a good sleep and pick up that book and defrost that chicken and have a good cook.  Well the moments arrived my phone says with a beep Oh what will it say as I jump to my feet! x


  1. Well what did it say??????

    You are a poet!!!! Gorgeous!

  2. Lovely blog here Jodie - i found t, because you followed me - and if you put your friends widget up, i'll follow you too ;) Happy sunday!

  3. Thank-you Martina, your blog is beautiful. I think I've organised the friends connect correctly! This is all very new and exciting to me!
