Wednesday, 12 September 2012

A little dark hole....

It had been two weeks since my last workout and I was chomping at the bit!!  Sunday we went for a 2km jog, the girls on bikes and Mr Spaghetti in the pusher it was a beautiful day and so nice to be getting some vitamin D...finally.  Afterwards a play at the park  and quick catch-up with friends while I drooled over those able to jog freely for as long as they desired.
Monday was finally the day!!  The children were healthy and the car running smoothly and so of to kinder and then time to run....I was so keen and ready to improve on my time...bring it on!
6km later and a slight feeling of nausea  mixed with elation and I was on cloud nine, best time ever and proud as punch.
This run however symbolized a lot more than just running better, faster.  My weekend consisted of an overdrive in hormones resulting in feelings of blue and grey, that mixed with the realization that my dog is missing and that my son needed to be put to bed roughly twenty-eight times.  I NEEDED this run and I new that I could climb out of that hole at the bottom of the hill and get back to the top!!!  And there I was QUEEN OF THE MOUNTAIN!!! (I allow myself an enlarged ego directly after a run!)
 Challenge yourself, push yourself, If your unhappy with a a part of yourself  or your life CHANGE IT,  It may take a couple of weeks, a year or seven attempts to get to the first step of your goal, but if you continue to remind yourself of your goals and why you want to reach them,  keep inspiring yourself let others inspire you, have gentle reminders and be okay with failing, I believe its trying again that's the real test....Dont give up, GET TO THE TOP OF YOUR MOUNTAIN!!.x

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